Updated November 25, 2022

Will of Robert GILLAM, Yeoman, of Springfield, Burlington County
27 Mar 1728
Account of Jonathan Wright and Thomas Scattergood, Ju'r, executors, showing payments to Solomon Smith for the coffin for deceased and for one of his children, Jonathan Wright, Samuel Bickiey, Dr. John Brown, Ebenezer Large, Wm. White, Rowland Ellis, Caleb Raper, Wm. Collum, John Parsons, Jona. Fowler, James Thomson, Daniel Smith, Jun'r, Wm. Cook, Sam'l Scattergood, Rich'd Smith, Sen'r, John Dawson, John Schooley, Wm. Cutler, Thomas Scott, Ex'r of Abraham Scott.
Rec: 19 Feb 1732
[For will, see N. J. Archives, vol 23, p. 186].
19 Feb 1732,
Matthew Willson, of Springfield, yeoman, and Ann his wife, late Ann GILLAM, widow, residuary legatee of Robert GILLAM; receipt for their share of estate.
Burlington County, NJ, Wills, 2427-43 C.
Will of William Earle, Yeoman, of Springfield, Burlington County
23 Sep 1732
My son-in-law, John Webb of Jamacka, did bequeath 40 per annum to my wife Elizabeth during her life and, provided it may be recovered, I devise same to my children William, Thomas, Mary wife of Jonathan Burden, and Martha wife of Thomas Shinn. Real and personal estate.
Wit: Joseph Whitas, Robert GILLAM, John Wright.
Proved May 10, 1733.
1733, May 10. William Earle, of Springfield, eldest son, appointed administrator as in will no executors appointed.
Lib. 3, pp.; 306, 307.
Will of Joseph Endicott, Sen'r, Burlington County
14 Feb 1740-7
Wife, Hannah, sole executrix. Sons, Joseph and John. Daughters, Elizabeth Dulavoue [?] living in Penna. and Ann GILLAM, of Northampton. Grandson, Joseph Bishop of Northampton. Real and personal estate.
Wit: Josiah Gaskill, Benjamin Brown, John Grimes.
Proved May 29, 1747.
Lib. 5, p. 522.
Will of Lucas GILLHAM, Husbandman, of Mansfield, Burlington County
30 May 1743
Int. Ann GILLHAM, widow, renounces administration, and requests that John Gllham, of Northampton, husbandman and brother of deceased, may be appointed administrator.
Wit: Hannah Indicott, Patrick Byrne.
30 May 1743,
Inventory of the personal estate, £65.3 ; made by Edward Mullen and Thomas Foster.
Account of John GILLAM, administrator. Paid Sam'll How, Wm. Murrel, Ruben Eldrldge. Sam'l Atkinson, John Richardson, Sam'l Powell, Jonathan Hough, Zebulon Brown, Thos. Shinn, Ester Brown, Patrick Burn, John Lawton, Joseph Endcott. William Buddell, Solomon Curtis, Daniel Smith, Jacob Johnson, Michael Mackivoy, William Folwell, Elizabeth Shinn, William Morris.
Burlington County, NJ Wills, 3707-16 C.
Will of Michael Atkinson, of Springfield, Burlington County
16 Sep 1746
Wife, Hope. Son, Jonathan, Level, Jobe and Amos, all under age. Daughters, Elizabeth, Marsey and Rachel. Expected child. Lands in New Hanover, bought of Bennet Bard and Thomas Budd. House built by Robert GILLAM.
Exe: wife, son Jonathan and Francis Shinn.
Wit: Joseph Atkinson, John West.
Proved Nov. 6, 1746.
Lib. 5, p. 303.
Will of Robert GILLAM, of Northampton, Burlington County
5 Dec 1747
Daughter, Ruth, the clothes that was her mother's (my former wife), that are at the house of Joseph Lippincott. Brother, John GILLAM. Real and personal estate.
Exe: wife, Grace, and Joseph Lippincott.
Wit: Peter Andrews, Joseph Lippincott, John Grimes, Ju'r, John GILLAM.
Proved Jan. 16, 1747-8.
Lib. 3, p. 493.
15 Jan 1747-8,
Inventory, £129.1.4; made by James Lippincott and Peter Andrews.
[A Robert GILHAM of Burlington married Mary Foster of Burlington on 10 Aug 1737. Later a Robert GILLAM of New Hanover in the County of Burlington, yeoman, and William Shinn of Northampton, yeoman . . . [was bound to] . . . Lewis Morris, Governor . . . 500 pounds . . . 21 March 1745. . . . Robert GILLAM . . . obtained license of marriage for himself and for Grace Pederick of Springfield... [w] Jos Scattergood.
It appears that Mary Foster was the mother of Ruth, above, and that Mary left Robert GILLIAM for Joseph Lippincott. Robert GILLIAM then marries Grace Pederick.]
- Burlington County, NJ Wills